Dokter dokter

Recently we have developed a ‘Questionaire builder’ for the dutch medical portal
Dokterdokter’s mission is (in dutch):
‘Gezond zijn en gezond blijven, daar gaat het bij om.’
Steeds meer mensen nemen het heft in eigen handen als het gaat om hun gezondheid… biedt u betrouwbare, overzichtelijke en waar mogelijk op u toegespitste informatie over uw gezondheid. Het gaat daarbij niet alleen om lichamelijke aspecten maar ook om geestelijke, immers lichaam en geest zijn één.
To accomplish this, dokterdokter offers information and advise through questionaires. A questionair is a list of questions, where new questions are presented depending on the answer to the previous question. Creating and maintaining complex questionaires calls for editors that are designed to do exactly this kind of job.
Our task was to create a tool that allows you to not only create such questionnairs, but also to visualize them. Visualization is very important because you don’t want to send a user to a question he has already answered or to a dead end. Branches in the editor that lead users to loops or dead ends are colored red.
The usability requirements were a bit different from other Q42 projects. This tool will be used regularly by a select number of people, instead of by innocent websurfers. So the interface is focussed more on productivity than on discoverability.
For the same reason, and the fact that the tool required loading and saving from disk, we chose to make it an HTML application (.HTA).