Google Launches IoT Developer Kit

At Q42 we love IoT. So much so that we’ve created a connected coffee counter, a remote controller for our Phillips Hue office lights and of course connected toilets. Needless to say we were very excited when Google asked us to help them build their IoT Developer Kit.

My First IoT

If you’ve always wanted to try this IoT thing but were overwhelmed by the options in terms of dev boards and cloud hostings, look no further. Starting with a Beagle Bone Green Wireless, a variant of the popular Beagle Bone Black, you first add some sensors, like an accelerometer or a light sensor, and then you send that sensor data straight up into The Cloud. Once in the cloud, your data can be visualized in real-time on a webpage for example. Easy duzzit!

So this kit, which has been available to developers worldwide for about a week now, will walk you through connecting the included sensors to the Internets. Which Internets? Well Google’s Cloud Platform of course. :-)

What’s inside

If that has piqued your interest, here’s what you’ll find inside the kit:

  • said Beagle Bone Green Wireless
  • 5 sensors: temperature, accelerometer, tilt, light, motion
  • buzzer
  • multi-color LED
  • 96x96 OLED screen
  • button
  • Grove cables
  • a Grove base cape

Where to get it

You can buy this puppy at Seed Studio and don’t forget to drop us a note if you’ve built something with this kit. Happy hacking!