Holland Festival 2002

For the second year in a row Q42 has developed the website for the annual Holland Festival. Again, Fabrique was responsible for the design. You can see it live at www.holndfstvl.com.
Since 1947 the Holland Festival brings international artistic quality on stage, ranging from theatre, music, drama and dance to opera, film and pop. All these ingredients are reflected in the design of this years website, which contains some interesting features such as a browsable caroussel of present and previous theatre-flyers, a lightweight search functionality and last but not least Q42’s mark: an easy to use inline / wysiwyg editing functionality for the team of Holland Festival to update the site. The editor, which was developed especially for this year’s site, shows quite some resemblance to Lime, for it allows pure inline editing of practically all the site’s content and it is also based on duplicating and removing blocks.
Contrary to Lime however, these blocks are not HTML driven but find their origin in the site’s xml back-end. Which, in the end, makes Holland Festival’s editor fit right into Q42’s current development line-up.
We wish the Holland Festival a fine year.