KLM’s Apple Watch app catches your plane

Just a few weeks ago, Apple released its watch in The Netherlands on July 17th. KLM took advantage of this Dutch launch to release their Watch app simultaneously. We built it, KLM integrated it within their iOS app and AKQA did the design. So after playing with your new Apple Watch for almost two weeks now, it’s time to put it into action and see how your watch can make catching your plane more convenient!


In order to be on time for the Dutch launch of the Apple Watch, we had to come up with and build the KLM Watch app in just over a month. Smartwatches, being quite new devices, offer a lot of cool possibilities, but also quite a few constraints. Our challenge was to build an app that adds real value to the experience of catching your plane. We developed it with WatchKit, and even though the framework only offers a single glance with no custom buttons and lots of other restrictions, we believe we built something really awesome that allows you to always be one step ahead on your journey.

Catching your plane

When you’re on the way to catch your plane, the last thing you want to do is to go through a stack of paper to check every step of your journey. That’s why KLM offers their smartphone app. It gives you all the information you need, as well as the possibility to organise and make changes to your journey. But the closer you get to your well-prepared departure, the less you need all those features. While catching your plane, simpler is better.

That’s where the Watch app (integrated in the iOS smartphone app) steps in. Two days before your flight, you want to know which terminal to go to. Two hours before, which seat you’re assigned to. The app knows what information you want and gives you only what you need, when you need it. It’s context-based and shows, among other things, upcoming flights, your terminal, your gate and your seat. At the airport itself, beacons in the lounge will tell you the walking time to your gate. You only have to glance at your wrist to be reassured you’re on the right track and your flight is still departing on time.

So, go download the KLM iOS app now and don’t forget your Apple Watch — you’ll be checking your flight like you check the time. Safe travels!