Q42 Founder’s letter (April Fools)

Q is for question. Wahlberg, Bromance & Failing is the answer.
Last year Q42 turned fifteen years old. A happy occasion for a happy place for nerds. But, with celebration, also comes realisation. Fifteen years of playing with Legos and Nerf guns at the office: it gets old being that childish. We have to start being serious if we want to compete heads-on with the leading system integrators in our country. And honestly, it was kind of an act on our part the entire time. We wanted to come across young and hip.
Kars, CTO: “We’ve been denying ourselves the desire for a professional corporate business structure for too long.”Stef, CEO: “Suddenly, it was crystal clear: having a financial marketing and HR background and an endless love for business to business relations, this happy place for nerds never really suited me. To be perfectly fair: a suit is what suits me. Pinstriped, if it is up to me. Our 15th anniversary seemed to be the perfect timing to start thinking about a more serious relaunch of our business.”
So since our anniversary, we’ve been working on our relaunch as Wahlberg, Bromance & Failing. WBF for short. Some of you might have noticed the upcoming changes at our offices. Legos were slowly disappearing and a growing number of colleagues started to wear dress shirts occasionally. From now on, occasionally starts being continuously. All of our upper and lower staff have received a gift certificate in their inbox for a nice suit and tie at one of the biggest suit suppliers of our country. Thanks, C&A for hooking us up! Some also for the hairdresser.
Tim, Project Manager: “As a project manager you just feel really comfortable in a suit. Crazy how it works. I’m glad we took this decision.”
With this relaunch, we are not just changing our name, attitudes and outfits. We are also starting to change course of our actual business models. Of course, we will continue to work with all of our current clients, but we’d love to have an open discussion with them about how we will change the direction of their VR apps to apps that will be more appropriate in the B2B-environment we’d like to conquer.
Chris, COO: “We did one VR/drone job after another. Games, apps, a slide in the office, even a happiness committee instead of a works council. It seemed like everything was about the happiness and fun of our employees, instead of the work. I’d like to put work back on the top of our list and preferably a lot harder and serious than before.”Kars, CTO: “E-bikes out, e-solutions in!”
This new structure will allow us to keep tremendous focus on the extraordinary opportunities that lay in the field of e-solutions. Q42’s website will be redirecting to our brand new business website from next week on. But, we’d like to invite you to read more about our new focus today already, at: WahlbergBromanceFailing.com
We hope you’re as excited as we are and we’d like to meet you at one of our offices to talk process, business and IT. You can arrange for a meeting in one of our conference rooms here.