Q-ers abroad

Two in Gran Canaria, one in New York, two in Austin and two in San Francisco. Seven colleagues are currently on international ground to acquire or to spread knowledge, or both.
Meteor in FlipFlops
Las Palmas — JasperH & Jaap, meteorinflipflops.com
Jasper and Jaap have stepped into their flip flops and went to Las Palmas, Gran Canaria to give a Meteor and GraphQL coding bootcamp. An escape from all daily hassle for six days to up the skills of a few other developers. With such a setting a real awesome vibe is created. Sea, sunshine and time for some coding!
Google Cloud Next
San Francisco — Thijs & Tobias, cloudnext.withgoogle.com
Thijs and Tobias set foot ashore in San Francisco. Browsing through Google’s Cloud Next conference to gain knowledge about AI, Kubernetes, App Engine, Spanner and more. Also, tomorrow are the product announcements. Always exciting!
AMP Conf
New York — Roelf-Jan, ampproject.org/amp-conf-2017
AMP is a technique to make your webpages blazing fast. Really, really fast! Like The Flash-fast. Roelf-Jan is learning all about that at the AMP conference in New York.

Austin — Tim & Floris, sxsw.com
Tim and Floris are flying to Austin tomorrow. They will be part of the Dutch delegation to visit the SXSW festival. Our Dutch Prince Constantijn will also be joining them. The goal is to give a few presentations about the what and the how of our Hack the Planet initiative. Be prepared: vlogs will appear online, so keep an eye out for them!