Rijksmuseum wins 3 awards at the Museums and the Web conference

Matthijs and Lukas are over in Portland this week attending the Museums and the Web conference, where the Rijksmuseum has just been awarded 3 prizes for its new Rijksmuseum.nl website and Rijksstudio project that we developed together with Fabrique.
Aside from the People’s Choice award and an award for most innovative project, the Rijksmuseum also gets to take home the full-on Best of the Web Award. In fact, this is the first time a single museum has won 3 awards at one conference!
So we think congratulations are in order for everyone who contributed to the best museum website in the world. Man, how proud are we?! As they say in Bill & Ted: party on dudes!
Check out a list of awards and winners for this year’s Museums and the Web conference at mw2013.museumsandtheweb.com.