The Bigger Picture — World Press Photo

Photographs give us information and feed our emotions. But what if you could explore the deeper meaning of what you might not see at a first glance? What is the story behind the image? What else is there to know? What is the bigger picture?

Now you can find out! Together with the World Press Photo Foundation, the Centre for Innovation (Leiden University), Fabrique and Hack the Planet we built The Bigger Picture.

This is online storytelling on steroids.

Some of you might know the concept of scrollytelling. It’s a wonderful way for online storytelling enriched with animations and multimedia. It’s always one-dimensional though. You can go forward or back, that’s it.

With our product Micrio we already built more advanced examples of online storytelling, like The Garden of Earthly Delights by Jeroen Bosch, which was recently honoured with a Webby Award. Visitors can be guided through the painting by one of the tours and at any time they can decide to take a detour, to start exploring for themselves, to follow their own path. Truly interactive, multidimensional storytelling.

For The Bigger Picture we wanted to up even that to the next level. Multiple Micrio canvasses, nested Micrio canvasses, parallax overlayed information, the full monty! You can really get lost in the story.

World Press Photo made three (with more following soon) of these online documentaries available. And the best part is: they’re not fully custom built. They are created with our Micrio CMS. With a tiny bit of handmade magic. ;-)

But that’s enough talk. Go see for yourself what Marcel, Frank and Tim built: