Today is all about accessibility

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Designers, developers and usability experts from all over the world are invited to start thinking, talking and learning about accessibility for all things digital and people with disabilities. Because we all want to make our products better and accessible for everybody but most of the time we just don’t know where to start. That’s why this day came to life.

Some things to do today

  • It all starts with a thorough understanding of people who use your software. So you could watch the short videos we made about Arend and Tim for
  • To gain even more understanding of what it means to visit your website with a visual handicap you could install our Chrome extension SEE
  • Test some of your own websites and apps by using only a keyboard instead of a mouse or trackpad
  • Visit your favourite websites with a screenreader
  • Go to Inclusive Design 24 to watch an interesting session on Accessibility and Inclusive Design.

Find even more tips on how you can participate today on Global Accessibility Awareness Day